The price of an electronic book is 92 rubles.
The price of a printed black and white book in A4 format with color cover is 441 rubles.
The price of a printed color book in A4 format is 459 rubles.
Printed books can be ordered by calling +7 925 184 37 07.
The book is written in a humorous genre. One day at the dawn of a fine summer day, a strange encryption appears in the messenger of the Foreign Intelligence Service Colonel-General Bystrov. It looks like the situation does not bode well, something went wrong. However, wait and see.
Tatiana Oliva Morales is the author of the methods and manuals of the series © Linguistic Reanimator, for accelerated preparation for exams at school and linguistic university; of the series © Comprehensive child development from 3 years of age; the author of more than 600 books and study guides in Russian, English and Spanish; English and Spanish teacher with over 25 years of experience; poet and writer.
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© Tatiana Oliva Morales, 2021
© Tatiana Oliva Morales, дизайн обложки, 2021
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